In Vedic astrology, an Antardasha is a sub-period within a Mahadasha, representing a smaller cycle of planetary influence within a larger one. The effects of an Antardasha are influenced by the planet and its placement in the birth chart. The Antardasha modifies the effects of the Mahadasha
Planetary influence on a specific house or planet. Argala can be of two types: Subhargala (beneficial intervention) or Papargala (malefic intervention), based on the nature of the planet causing the Argala.
Also known as the Lagna, the ascendant is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The Ascendant represents the physical body, appearance, intelligence, strength, and the self. The position of the ascendant is vital for chart analysis.
It is a system in Vedic astrology using the positions of the Lagna and the seven Grahas (Sun to Saturn) to assess the strength of each Rasi and their effect on the natal chart. It involves creating eight charts and then summing them up into the Sarvastakavarga. Each Graha has a Bhinna Ashtakavarga. The points (dots) in an Ashtakavarga are known as Rekhas.
The planet with the highest degree in the birth chart, signifying the soul's desires and purpose. Its placement affects spiritual growth and life direction. The 12th house from the Atmakaraka reveals the Ista Devata.
The state of a planet (infancy, youth, old age) influencing its strength and effects in the chart
Exact difference in degrees between the moving vernal equinox and the exact sidereal zero Aries point.