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Vaya Wiki/Duryoga


Duryoga is caused by unfavorable planetary combinations that can lead to challenges and misfortunes in an individual's life. The term "Duryoga" translates to "difficult yoga," and it is primarily formed when the lord of the 10th house—the house of career, reputation, and social standing—is positioned in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses, known as the "Dusthanas" or evil houses. This placement is believed to obstruct the native's ability to reap the rewards of their hard work, leading to issues such as professional setbacks, loss of status, and strained relationships. The implications of Duryoga can manifest in various ways, including financial difficulties and a lack of recognition for one's efforts.

In practice, the effects of Duryoga are not solely determined by the placement of the 10th house lord; other factors must also be considered. For instance, if the 10th lord is a benefic planet but is weak or afflicted, it can exacerbate the effects of Duryoga. Conversely, if the 10th lord is strong and well-placed despite being in a Dusthana, its negative influence may be mitigated. Additionally, the presence of malefic planets such as Saturn or Mars in key positions can further intensify the challenges associated with Duryoga. Astrologers often analyze these combinations to provide insights into potential struggles and recommend remedies to alleviate negative influences.

Frequently Asked Questions About Duryoga

What are the effects of Duryoga?

It indicates a person may not fully enjoy the fruits of their efforts, may be looked down upon by others, may be selfish, and may experience problems in their profession. Individuals with Duryoga may not get the recognition they deserve for their work.

Is Duryoga the sole determinant of career success or failure?

No, a single yoga should not be the sole basis for judging a chart; other planetary positions, aspects, and Dasa periods must be considered for a complete picture

What does Duryoga mean in Vedic astrology?

Duryoga refers to unfavorable planetary combinations that indicate challenges and misfortunes, particularly arising when the lord of the 10th house is placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses.