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Vaya Wiki/Gochar


Gochar, or transit, refers to the movement of planets through the zodiac signs, and their influence on individuals and events. Unlike the fixed positions of planets in a birth chart, Gochar highlights how the ever-changing planetary positions interact with one's natal chart. These transits are considered crucial in understanding the timing of events and their potential impact on a person's life. Each planet has a unique transit period, with some moving quickly, like the Moon, and others, like Saturn, taking much longer. These transits are not isolated events; they interact with the natal chart and with other transiting planets. The impact of a transit depends on various factors, including the planet’s natural significations, its position in the natal chart, its current strength, and its relationship with other planets.

The interpretation of Gochar involves analysing how transiting planets interact with the natal chart. This includes the houses and planets they aspect, and their relationships with the natal planets. For example, when a transiting planet moves into a natal house, it can activate the affairs of that house, bringing either positive or negative outcomes depending on the planet's nature and its association with that house. Transits are also analysed in relation to divisional charts, or Vargas. A transit may have a different effect in the Navamsa (D-9) compared to the Dasamsa (D-10) chart. For instance, a transit affecting the 7th house in the Navamsa may indicate changes in relationships, while the same transit affecting the 10th house in the Dasamsa might denote career shifts. It is also important to note the Arudha Padas of houses, as transits to and from these can indicate how life events may be perceived by others.

Gochar can be used to predict general trends, as well as to identify specific periods of opportunity or challenge. The use of Ashtakavarga is helpful in understanding how benefic or malefic a planet is in the transiting sign. Favourable transits often bring positive results, such as opportunities for growth, success, and improved relationships, while unfavourable transits can indicate potential challenges, delays, or health issues. One method of analyzing transits involves noting the transiting planet’s position from the natal moon sign, and specific effects can be seen when transiting planets make an aspect to or occupy certain positions in relation to the natal moon. For example, the transit of Jupiter from the natal Moon can bring about spiritual progress. Transits are also crucial in determining the efficacy of Muhurtas (auspicious times), and when planning significant events

Frequently Asked Questions About Gochar

Why is it important to consider both Gochar and Dasha?

Analyzing both Gochar and Dasha provides a comprehensive understanding of astrological influences, allowing for more accurate predictions about potential outcomes and guiding decisions during different life phases.

Are there specific transits that are considered more significant than others?

Yes, transits of major planets like Jupiter, Saturn, and Rahu are considered more significant due to their long transit periods and the broader impact they can have. Transits of a planet that is the Atmakaraka in the natal chart can also be especially important as this planet is considered the significator of the soul.

How does Vedha affect the results of a transit?

Vedha occurs when another planet is located in a specific position that counters the positive impact of a transit. Understanding vedha is crucial to understanding when a positive transit may not be as beneficial as expected.