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Vaya Wiki/Antardasha


In Vedic astrology, Antardasha refers to a significant sub-period within a Mahadasha, which is the major planetary cycle influencing an individual's life. Each Mahadasha is divided into nine Antardashas, corresponding to the nine planets in Vedic astrology. This subdivision allows astrologers to provide a more nuanced analysis of how different planetary influences affect a person's experiences and events during their lifetime.

The effects of an Antardasha depend on the specific planetary alignment in the natal chart (janma kundali). A planet's dignity (uchcha or neech), house placement, and aspects play a critical role. An individual experiencing the Moon's Antardasha during Sun's Mahadasha may notice heightened emotional sensitivity, familial focus, or mental unrest. Astrologers often recommend specific remedies, such as chanting mantras or wearing gemstones, to mitigate adverse effects and maximize favorable outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Antardasha

What is the difference between Mahadasha and Antardasha?

A Mahadasha is a major planetary period and represents a longer cycle of influence, while an Antardasha is a sub-period within a Mahadasha, representing a smaller cycle within the larger one.

How do Antardashas modify the effects of a Mahadasha?

Antardashas fine-tune the effects of the Mahadasha by bringing in the specific influences of their ruling planets, which can enhance or mitigate the effects of the mahadasha, depending on planetary placements.

Can different Dasha systems have Antardashas?

Yes, Dasha systems like Vimsottari and Narayana have Antardashas, but they are calculated differently