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Vaya Wiki/Guna Milan

Guna Milan

Guna Milan, also known as Ashta Kuta, is a traditional method for evaluating the compatibility of two individuals for marriage. The term Ashta Kuta literally translates to "eight factors" or "eight points", and it refers to the eight different criteria that are compared between the birth charts of the prospective bride and groom. Guna Milan is a core part of Vedic matchmaking and is used to assess the potential for harmony and success in a marriage.

The Guna Milan system considers eight Kutas (factors): Varna (caste), Vasya (power or control), Tara (star), Yoni (sexual compatibility), Graha Maitri (planetary friendship), Gana (temperament), Rasi (zodiac sign) and Nadi (physiological disposition). Each of these Kutas is assigned points, and the total score is used to assess the compatibility of the couple. The eight Kutas and their corresponding points are listed in the following table, though not all of these are described in the sources:

Varna : 1 point

Vasya : 2 points

Tara : 3 points

Yoni : 4 points

Graha Maitri : 5 points

Gana : 6 points

Rasi : 7 points

Nadi : 8 points

Of these eight Kutas, the Gana Kuta is an important aspect of the Guna Milan system. The Gana Kuta assesses the temperament or nature of the individuals based on their birth Nakshatra. There are three types of Gana: Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon). Deva Gana represents dignity and goodness. Manushya Gana represents a combination of good and bad. Rakshasa Gana represents contempt, meanness, and selfishness.

In addition to the Gana Kuta, other factors are also considered, such as the compatibility of the Rasi or zodiac signs, and the Nakshatra, or birth star of the individuals. The sources explain that the Nakshatras are grouped into different categories, including Ulka, Siddha and Sankata.

The Guna Milan system provides valuable insights into the potential compatibility of a couple. However, it is important to note that the Guna Milan score should not be the only factor to determine the success of a marriage. Other astrological factors and practical considerations should also be taken into account.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gun Milan

What is Gun Milan in Vedic astrology?

Gun Milan is the process of matching the compatibility of prospective partners by analyzing their birth charts based on 36 Gunas or qualities. It plays a significant role in determining marital harmony and success.

What does a low Guna score indicate?

A low Guna score (below 18) suggests potential challenges and incompatibilities in the relationship, indicating that the couple may face difficulties in their marriage.

What other astrological factors are considered in marriage compatibility?

In addition to the eight Kutas in the Guna Milan system, other astrological factors are considered when assessing marital compatibility, such as the planetary positions in the birth charts, the aspects between planets, and the placement of the 7th house lord, which represents marriage. The Nakshatra, or birth star of the individuals, and the Rasi, or zodiac signs of the individuals are also assessed.